Token Label/Ticker: ANATHA
Token Type: Utility
Divisibility: 8 decimals
Divisible units: 0.001 ANATHA = 1 Sense
Smallest Unit: 0.00000001 ANATHA = 1 Pin
Supply: Variable
An initial supply of 7,700,000,000 (7.7 billion) ANATHA will be minted on the token generation date.
Token economy
ANATHA has selected a fixed inflation rate of 1% per annum. 1% was selected to mirror the projected average global human population growth rate over the next 25 years. New tokens will be minted daily at a rate of 0.0028% of the total supply, where [ ( 1 + daily inflation rate ) ^ 365.25 = annual inflation rate ]
Newly minted tokens are not sold. They are distributed daily.
50% to the ANATHA Master Contract (Torus) (redistribution to communities and investors). Out of those:
50% goes to HRA holders
25% goes to a developer fund
25% goes to security token holders
50% to the Network Validator Reward Pool (NVRP).
The contract for the ANATHA ecosystem — ANATHA Master Contract (Torus) — is where all revenues and fees are collected and distributed to ecosystem participants.
The Torus collects ANATHA from the following channels:
Network transaction fees
Half of all newly minted tokens
HRA purchases
HRA sales by owners
The treasury contract controls the sale of the initial pool of ANATHA and its pricing schedule.
Token sale
The ANATHA token sale is essentially a sale of software license keys for the ANATHA network.
1 Anatha will be used for each HRA registration (deposited directly to the Torus)
500,000 Anatha will be required in order to run a validator node
98% оf ANATHA initial supply will be available for purchase and the sale will continue until all 7.7 billion ANATHA are sold.
The sale price of the ANATHA initial supply increases as tokens are sold. Starting at 0.01€, the ANATHA token price increases by 0.01€ for every 10,000,000 (10 million) ANATHA sold.
0 - 10,000,000 tokens sold: 0.01€
10,000,001 - 20,000,000 tokens sold: 0.02 €
20,000,001 - 30,000,000 tokens sold: 0.03€
30,000,001 - 40,000,000 tokens sold: 0.04€
7,690,000,001 - 7,700,000,000 tokens sold: 7.70€
Sale Softcap: 1,000,000€
ANATHA tokens will likely become available for trading on external markets. The ANATHA price for tokens sold in-app follows the model above regardless of the current external market price(s).
Using the above model, ANATHA price will be capped by the ANATHA internal purchasing gateway(s) at the current pool supply level’s pricing. Sellers (both internal and on exchanges, if ANATHA is listed) will always be competing with the ANATHA supply pool until it is exhausted. This should provide reasonable stability compared to other utility tokens while the network grows to the point where its user base inertia will blunt any wild swings (Black Swan Events).
All revenue received from the sale of ANATHA tokens from the initial pool will be managed as a treasury for the ecosystem. The treasury will automatically buy ANATHA on any market at 20% of the current pool price level (up to a determined maximum volume for any given period) in order to provide a reasonably strong likelihood that sellers can always find a buyer and that ANATHA will remain between 20% and 100% of the current price level during the initial network expansion. Repurchased ANATHA is returned to the initial pool, increasing the amount of ANATHA available at the current price level.
Early investors securing equity in ANATHA Inc, the parent company holding the IP for Project ANATHA, will have their equity converted to security tokens with automated dividend distribution.
Total Maximum Offering (Combined Reg S and Reg D filing): 36,000,000
Current Unit Price: 1.50, price Increases after first 10M units sold
Holders of the ANATHA SECURITY TOKEN will be eligible for ANATHA utility token distributions from the Torus. See Offering Memorandum for details.
ANATHA functions with a freemium model. Basic functionality is free — storing, sending and receiving, portfolio tracking. To unlock/engage with professional features, participants use ANATHA Tokens. These tokens then flow to the Torus for distribution to the community at large.
Every user with a HRA (Decentralized Human Readable Address) becomes a governor of the system with voting rights. Most of the parameters and percentages you have read about in this document are subject to change through this governance process. Additionally, the ANATHA community will be able to propose new software and services to the community which, if accepted by the community, can be implemented using the Development Fund.
Last updated
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